Book Dr. Sirs
Are you interested in having Dr. Sirs speak to your group? She is available to present on the following topics:
Supporting Executive Functions
Meeting the social, emotional, and academic needs of individuals on the autism spectrum (high functioning/ formerly defined as Asperger's)
Use of poi spinning & movement for self-regulation and healing
Self-care for the helping professions
Implementing trauma-informed practices
To discuss scheduling and rates, please Dr. Sirs at (208) 250-5133

Dr. Sirs' Upcoming Speaking Engagements
The following are Dr. Sirs upcoming speaking engagements:
September 2024 - Harnessing the Mind-Body Connection: Poi Spinning as Embodied Self-care. NASW-WA State Conference, Spokane, WA. (Invited Keynote Speaker).
July 2024 - RX For Compassion Fatigue: Poi Spinning as Embodied Self-care. Annual Conference of Wound, Ostomy, and Wound Care Nurses, NW Region, Anchorage, AK (invited presentation).
Dr. Sirs' Speaking History
The following is a partial list of speaking engagements, which gives an idea of the scope of topics on which Dr. Sirs has presented:
March/April 2023 - Stronger Together: Fostering Cohort Cohesion Through Participation in a BSW Senior Retreat. Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
March/April 2023 - Harnessing the Mind-Body Connection: Poi Spinning as Embodied Self-Care. Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
April 2022. Piloting Poi: A Grief Intervention for Men Following Perinatal Loss. Poster Presentation, Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Portland, OR (in collaboration with students).
March 2022. A Macro Approach to Trauma-informed Care Through an Explicit, Robust, and Comprehensive Trauma Curriculum. Annual Conference of Baccalaureate Program Directors, New Orleans, LA. (held virtually)
March 2022. Innovation in a Time of Crisis: Creating an On-campus Student Support Internship Program. (March 2022). Annual Conference of Baccalaureate Program Directors, New Orleans, LA. (held virtually)
April 2021 - Poi Spinning as Self-Care and Connection, Saint Martin's University
March 2021 - Big Feelings in Little Bodies: Supporting Emotional Health in Preschoolers. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), Centralia group
February 2021 - An Intersection: Mental Health, COVID, and Higher Education, Saint Martin's University
August 2020 - Creating a trauma-informed classroom: COVID-19 Edition, Saint Martin's University
November 2019 - Movement in MTSS: Facilitating Readiness to Learn Across the Tiers, Advancing Mental Health in Schools, National Conference
September 2019 - Too Stressed Out to Learn, Saint Martin's University
March 2019 - Serving Students on the Autism Spectrum, Saint Martin's University
November 2017 - Harnessing Dragon Power: Creating Community at Dower, Dower Elementary School, Lakewood, WA
October 2017 - Purposeful Movement, NorthWest Association of Independent Schools Fall Educator’s Conference, Tacoma, WA.
January 2017 - Assessing and Treating Social Competencies: Norms to Nuances, Pierce County Counselor's Association.
October 2016 - The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning Through Movement, NorthWest Association of Independent Schools Fall Educator’s Conference, Tacoma, WA.
September 2016 - Executive Functions 101: What Parents Need to Know, Pierce County Chapter of C.H.A.D.D., Tacoma, WA.
Additionally, Dr. Sirs has presented at national and international conferences including at the Learning Disability Association of America's Annual Conference, Council for Exceptional Children, the Social Thinking Provider's Annual Conference, and the Annual Conference of the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation.